* Copyright 2020 Martin F. Schlegel Jr. | MIT AND BSD-3-Clause
// Virtual Events
* Fired the first time a `ContextControl` is {@link ContextControl#open opened}. The `target` and `currentTarget`
* properties of the event are set to the `ContextControl` being opened. The control's backing element can be obtained via
* {@link ContextControl#getControlElement}.
* @event ContextControl#event:create
* @type {SimpleEventDispatcher.SimpleEvent}
// Constructor
* @constructor
* @extends SimpleEventDispatcher
* @param {number} [horizontalOffset={@link ContextControl.defaultHorizontalOffset}] Horizontal offset with respect to offset element passed to {@link ContextControl#open}.
* @param {number} [verticalOffset={@link ContextControl.defaultVerticalOffset}] Vertical offset with respect to offset element passed to {@link ContextControl#open}.
* @classdesc
* Simple implementation of an HTML DOM based context control. This class (lazily) creates a blank `HTMLDivElement` to hold the control's content, and applies class
* names corresponding to when the control is opened or closed. The control also repositions itself when the window is resized.
* The first time a control is {@link ContextControl#open opened}, the {@link ContextControl#event:create create} event is fired. It is expected client code
* will listen for this event and populate the control's element with desired content. The control's element can be obtained in such a listener via
* `{@link ContextControl#getControlElement event.target.getControlElement()}`.
* Upon being {@link ContextControl#open opened}, this class will begin listening for window resize events and {@link ContextControl#position position} itself upon
* receiving them. Upon being {@link ContextControl#close closed}, this class will stop listening for resize events.
* Of note, this class *only* sets element class names, and a limited set of CSS properties; most styling should be handled by dedicated stylesheets. The following is a baseline
* stylesheet that uses the default class names:
* ``` css
* .context-control {
* position: absolute;
* opacity: 0;
* color: black;
* background-color: white;
* border: 1px solid black;
* padding: .5em;
* }
* .context-control.context-control-opened {
* opacity: 1;
* transition: opacity .5s;
* }
* .context-control.context-control-closed {
* display: none;
* }
* ```
function ContextControl(horizontalOffset, verticalOffset) {
'use strict';
* The offset in pixels to be applied to the `left` `CSSStyleDeclaration` of this control's element with respect
* to the current offset element (last passed to {@link ContextControl#open}).
* @type {number}
this.horizontalOffset = horizontalOffset !== 0 && !horizontalOffset ? ContextControl.defaultHorizontalOffset : horizontalOffset;
* The offset in pixels to be applied to the `top` `CSSStyleDeclaration` of this control's element with respect
* to the current offset element (last passed to {@link ContextControl#open}).
* @type {number}
this.verticalOffset = verticalOffset !== 0 && !verticalOffset ? ContextControl.defaultVerticalOffset : verticalOffset;
// Static Fields
* Name of the event fired the first time a `ContextControl` is opened. Value is `'create'`.
* @const
* @private
* @type {string}
ContextControl.EVENT_TYPE_CREATE = 'create';
* Class name assigned to `ContextControl` elements when they are first created. Default value is `'context-control'`.
* @type {string}
ContextControl.contextElementClassName = 'context-control';
* Class name added to `ContextControl` elements when {@link ContextControl#open} is called. Removed when {@link ContextControl#close}
* is called. Default value is `'context-control-opened'`.
* @type {string}
ContextControl.dialogueOpenedClassName = 'context-control-opened';
* Class name added to `ContextControl` elements when {@link ContextControl#close} is called. Removed when {@link ContextControl#open}
* is called. Default value is `'context-control-closed'`.
* @type {string}
ContextControl.dialogueClosedClassName = 'context-control-closed';
* Default horizontal offset in pixels. Default value is `10`.
* @type {number}
ContextControl.defaultHorizontalOffset = 10;
* Default vertical offset in pixels. Default value is `10`.
* @type {number}
ContextControl.defaultVerticalOffset = 10;
// Static Methods
* Creates an empty control element.
* @private
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} An empty (detached) control element.
ContextControl.createControl = function () {
'use strict';
var controlElement;
controlElement = document.createElement('div');
controlElement.className = ContextControl.contextElementClassName;
return controlElement;
* Utility function for determining an element's absolute viewport offset.
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} el Element whose viewport offset is to be calculated.
* @returns {ContextControl.OffsetCoordinates} Coordinates of the given element's viewport offset.
ContextControl.getOffset = function (el) {
'use strict';
var result = new ContextControl.OffsetCoordinates();
ContextControl._getOffset(el, result);
return result;
* Recursive helper for {@link ContextControl.getOffset}.
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} el Current element.
* @param {ContextControl.OffsetCoordinates} coordinates Coordinates being processed.
ContextControl._getOffset = function (el, coordinates) {
'use strict';
if (el == null) {
coordinates.x += el.offsetLeft;
coordinates.y += el.offsetTop;
ContextControl._getOffset(el.offsetParent, coordinates);
// Extension
ContextControl.prototype = IE8Compatibility.extend(SimpleEventDispatcher.prototype);
// Default Instance Properties
* The underlying `HTMLDivElement` defining this control's content. Initially `null`; created/assigned the first time
* {@link ContextControl#open} is called.
* @private
* @type {HTMLDivElement}
ContextControl.prototype.controlElement = null;
* Element relative to which this {@link ContextControl#controlElement} is to be positioned. Passed and stored
* on calls to {@link ContextControl#open}.
* @private
* @type {HTMLElement}
ContextControl.prototype.offsetElement = null;
// Instance Methods
* Disposes this `ContextControl` by {@link ContextControl#close closing} it and detaching the backing
* control element, if present.
ContextControl.prototype.dispose = function () {
'use strict';
var controlElement;
controlElement = this.controlElement;
if (controlElement) {
this.controlElement = null;
this.offsetElement = null;
* Implementation of DOM `EventListener`.
* @param {Event} event Event being dispatched.
ContextControl.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
if (event.type !== 'resize') {
if (console && console.warn) {
console.warn('Unrecognized event: ' + event.type);
* Opens this `ContextControl`. If this is the first time the control is opened, the {@link ContextControl#event:create create} event will be fired, where it is
* expected client code will populate the control with desired content. In any case, the {@link ContextControl.dialogueClosedClassName} class will be removed from
* the control element, it will be {@link ContextControl#position positioned} relative to the given `offsetElement`, this
* `ContextControl` will add itself as a listener for window resize events, and finally, the {@link ContextControl.dialogueOpenedClassName} class will be added to
* the control element.
* @param {HTMLElement} offsetElement Element relative to which this control's element is to be positioned.
* @fires ContextControl#event:create
* @throws {ReferenceError} If `offsetElement` is not defined.
ContextControl.prototype.open = function (offsetElement) {
'use strict';
var controlElement;
if (!offsetElement) {
throw new ReferenceError('Offset element must be defined.');
controlElement = this.controlElement;
// Create dialogue if it doesn't exist.
if (!controlElement) {
controlElement = this.controlElement = ContextControl.createControl();
this.dispatchEvent(new SimpleEventDispatcher.SimpleEvent(ContextControl.EVENT_TYPE_CREATE, this));
// Store reference to given offset element.
this.offsetElement = offsetElement;
// Begin opening sequence.
IE8Compatibility.removeClass(controlElement, ContextControl.dialogueClosedClassName);
// Position control.
// Register for resize events (for re-positioning).
IE8Compatibility.addEventListener(window, 'resize', this, false);
// Finish opening sequence.
IE8Compatibility.addClass(controlElement, ContextControl.dialogueOpenedClassName);
* Positions this control. The `left` and `top`
* `CSSStyleDeclaration` properties will be set based upon the position of the current offset element (last passed to {@link ContextControl#open})
* and the {@link ContextControl#horizontalOffset} and {@link ContextControl#verticalOffset} properties of this control.
ContextControl.prototype.position = function () {
'use strict';
var controlElement, offset, proposedLeft, proposedTop, offsetElement;
offsetElement = this.offsetElement;
controlElement = this.controlElement;
if (!offsetElement || !controlElement) {
// Calculate offset of offset element.
offset = ContextControl.getOffset(offsetElement);
// Calculate proposed dialogue coordinates relative to offset element.
controlElement.style.left = (offset.x + this.horizontalOffset) + 'px';
controlElement.style.top = (offset.y + offsetElement.offsetHeight + this.verticalOffset) + 'px';
* Closes this `ContextControl`. The {@link ContextControl.dialogueOpenedClassName} will be removed from this
* control's backing element, this `ContextControl` will remove
* itself as a listener for window resize events, and finally, the {@link ContextControl.dialogueClosedClassName}
* will be added to the backing element.
ContextControl.prototype.close = function () {
'use strict';
var controlElement;
controlElement = this.controlElement;
if (!controlElement) {
IE8Compatibility.removeClass(controlElement, ContextControl.dialogueOpenedClassName);
IE8Compatibility.removeEventListener(window, 'resize', this, false);
IE8Compatibility.addClass(controlElement, ContextControl.dialogueClosedClassName);
* Returns this control's backing `HTMLDivElement` provided it has been {@link ContextControl#open opened} and is
* not {@link ContextControl#dispose disposed}, otherwise `null`.
* @returns Backing `HTMLDivElement` provided this control has been opened and is not disposed.
ContextControl.prototype.getControlElement = function () {
'use strict';
return this.controlElement;
// Nested Types
// OffsetCoordinates
* Default constructor. Coordinates are initialized to 0; returned by {@link ContextControl.getOffset}.
* @private
* @constructor
* @classdesc
* Generic class representing the x, y window offset coordinates of an `HTMLElement`.
ContextControl.OffsetCoordinates = function () {
'use strict';
* Offset x (`left`) coordinate.
this.x = 0;
* Offset y (`top`) coordinate.
this.y = 0;