* Copyright 2020 Martin F. Schlegel Jr. | MIT AND BSD-3-Clause
// Callbacks
* Called by {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener} to obtain a {@link ColumnControl} for a given column. If a value is returned, it will be used as the
* control for that column. If {@link Nothing} is returned, the default control ({@link HTMLTableWrapperControl}) will be created and used
* for that column.
* @callback HTMLTableWrapperListener~getColumnControl
* @param {number} columnIndex Column index for which a {@link ColumnControl} is needed.
* @param {HTMLTableWrapperListener} parent The {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener} requesting a control.
* @returns {ColumnControl} A {@link ColumnControl} if a client-defined control is needed for the given `columnIndex`, otherwise {@link Nothing}.
// Virtual Interfaces
// ColumnControlFactory
* @interface ColumnControlFactory
* @classdesc
* Object-based implementation of {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener~getColumnControl}.
* Implementation of {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener~getColumnControl}. See the callback's documentation for further details.
* @function ColumnControlFactory#getColumnControl
* @param {number} columnIndex Column index for which a {@link ColumnControl} is needed.
* @param {HTMLTableWrapperListener} parent The {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener} requesting a control.
* @returns {ColumnControl} A {@link ColumnControl} if a client-defined control is needed for the given `columnIndex`, otherwise {@link Nothing}.
// ColumnControl
* @interface ColumnControl
* @extends Disposable
* @classdesc
* A handle used by {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener} to open and close controls in response to client calls and end-user requests.
* Client code can define custom controls by implementing this interface and returning instances via an implementation of
* {@link ColumnControlFactory}.
* Index of the column this `ColumnControl` handles.
* @member {number} ColumnControl#columnIndex
* Opens this `ColumnControl` such that it is visible to the end-user.
* @function ColumnControl#open
* Closes this `ColumnControl` such that it is hidden from the end-user.
* @function ColumnControl#close
* Called by {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener#processTable} to obtain a {@link FilterDescriptor} based upon the current state of this
* `ColumnControl`. If this control is in a state in which no filtering should be performed, it is permissible to return {@link Nothing}.
* @function ColumnControl#getFilterDescriptor
* @returns {FilterDescriptor}
* A {@link FilterDescriptor} based upon the state of this `ColumnControl` or {@link Nothing} if no filtering should be performed.
* Called by {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener#processTable} to obtain a {@link SortDescriptor} based upon the current state of this
* `ColumnControl`. If this control is in a state in which no sorting should be performed, it is permissible to return {@link Nothing}.
* @function ColumnControl#getSortDescriptor
* @returns {SortDescriptor}
* A {@link SortDescriptor} based upon the state of this `ColumnControl` or {@link Nothing} if no sorting should be performed.
// Constructor
* @constructor
* @implements Disposable
* @param {(HTMLTableElement|HTMLTableWrapper)} table `HTMLTableElement` or {@link HTMLTableWrapper} backing this listener.
* @param {ColumnControlFactory|HTMLTableWrapperListener~getColumnControl} [columnControlFactory] Optional factory if custom column controls are needed.
* @param {CellInterpreter|HTMLTableWrapperControl~populateCellValues} [cellInterpreter]
* Interpreter to use when falling back to the default {@link HTMLTableWrapperControl} on calls to {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener#getColumnControl}.
* @classdesc
* Facilitates communication between the API-level {@link HTMLTableWrapper} and the UI-level {@link ColumnControl}. In addition to the constraints
* placed on the backing `HTMLTableElement` in {@link HTMLTableWrapper}, this class also requires it to define a table header section
* (`<thead>`) with the first row's cells defining the column headers for the table. Although the table can define more than one row in its table
* header section, only the first row will be processed by this class.
* Upon {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener#init initialization}, this class will add itself as a listener for click events on
* all cells in the first row of the backing `HTMLTableElement`'s table header section, as well as add the class name
* {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener.processedColumnHeader} to each cell.
* In response to click events, the appropriate {@link ColumnControl} will be created using the given {@link ColumnControlFactory} (or {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener~getColumnControl}
* callback), if defined, or will fall back to {@link HTMLTableWrapperControl} in the case no {@link ColumnControlFactory} (or callback) is defined, or the call to
* {@link ColumnControlFactory#getColumnControl} (or direct invocation of the {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener~getColumnControl} callback) returns {@link Nothing}. {@link ColumnControl}s
* are cached after they are created, and are reused for subsequent click events. The given `cellInterpreter` is used when falling back to {@link HTMLTableWrapperControl}.
* {@link ColumnControl}s can make calls back to {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener#processTable} to trigger table-wide
* sorting and filtering in response to user-triggered events on the control that would be expected to update the state of the
* backing table. Upon a call to {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener#processTable}, {@link ColumnControl#getFilterDescriptor} and
* {@link ColumnControl#getSortDescriptor} are called for each cached {@link ColumnControl}. Each result that is not {@link Nothing} is stored,
* and ultimately passed to {@link HTMLTableWrapper#filter} and {@link HTMLTableWrapper#sort}. (Implicit to this, calls to {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener#processTable}
* should not be made in {@link ColumnControl#getFilterDescriptor} and {@link ColumnControl#getSortDescriptor}, as such would cause infinite recursion).
function HTMLTableWrapperListener(table, columnControlFactory, cellInterpreter) {
'use strict';
if (table instanceof HTMLTableWrapper) {
this.dataTable = dataTable;
} else {
this.dataTable = new HTMLTableWrapper(table);
if (columnControlFactory) {
this.columnControlFactory = columnControlFactory;
if (cellInterpreter) {
this.cellInterpreter = cellInterpreter;
* {@link ColumnControl} cache.
* @private
* @type {ColumnControl[]}
this.columnControls = [];
// Static fields.
* Class name added to `HTMLTableCellElement`s upon which `HTMLTableWrapperListener` instances are registered for
* click events. Default value is `'data-table-column-header'`.
HTMLTableWrapperListener.processedColumnHeader = 'data-table-column-header';
// Instance Properties
* Backing {@link HTMLTableWrapper}.
* @member {HTMLTableWrapper} HTMLTableWrapperListener#dataTable
* @private
* Cache of `HTMLTableCellElement`s for which this class is registered for click events.
* @private
* @type {HTMLTableCellElement[]}
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.tableHeaderCache = null;
* Current column-order in which to apply sort descriptors. Initially `null`, initialized on first call to {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener#processTable}.
* @private
* @type {number[]}
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.sortDescriptorOrder = null;
* {@link ColumnControlFactory} to use when creating controls.
* @type ColumnControlFactory
* @private
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.columnControlFactory = null;
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.cellInterpreter = null;
// Instance Methods
* Initializes this `HTMLTableWrapperListener`. This `HTMLTableWrapperListener` will be added as a click listener for each `HTMLTableCellElement`
* in the first row of the backing table's header section. The class name {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener.processedColumnHeader} will also be added to
* each cell.
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.init = function () {
'use strict';
var table, tableHeaders, tableHeaderCache, i, tableHeader;
table = this.dataTable.getTableElement();
tableHeaders = table.tHead.rows[0].cells;
tableHeaderCache = this.tableHeaderCache = [];
for (i = 0; i < tableHeaders.length; ++i) {
tableHeader = tableHeaders[i];
IE8Compatibility.addEventListener(tableHeader, 'click', this, false);
IE8Compatibility.addClass(tableHeader, HTMLTableWrapperListener.processedColumnHeader);
* Disposes this `HTMLTableWrapperListener`. This `HTMLTableWrapperListener` will remove itself as a click listener for any
* `HTMLTableCellElement`s upon which it has registered itself, as well as remove the {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener.processedColumnHeader}
* class name. Additionally, if any cached {@link ColumnControl}s define a {@link ColumnControl#dispose dispose} function, it will also be called.
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.dispose = function () {
'use strict';
var tableHeaderCache, i, columnControls, columnControl, tableHeader;
tableHeaderCache = this.tableHeaderCache;
for (i = 0; i < tableHeaderCache.length; ++i) {
tableHeader = tableHeaderCache[i];
IE8Compatibility.removeEventListener(tableHeader, 'click', this, false);
IE8Compatibility.removeClass(tableHeader, HTMLTableWrapperListener.processedColumnHeader)
columnControls = this.columnControls;
for (i = 0; i < columnControls.length; ++i) {
columnControl = columnControls[i];
if (typeof columnControl.dispose === 'function') {
* Implementation of DOM `EventListener`.
* @param {Event} event Event being dispatched.
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
'use strict';
var columnIndex, target;
// Only process click events (warn otherwise).
if (event.type !== 'click') {
if (console && console.warn) {
console.warn('Unsupported event: ' + event.type);
// Get column index.
target = IE8Compatibility.getEventTarget(event);
columnIndex = this.tableHeaderCache.indexOf(target);
if (columnIndex === -1) {
if (console && console.warn) {
console.warn('Unrecognized event target.');
// Open control
* Opens the {@link ColumnControl} for the given `columnIndex`. Delegates to {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener#getColumnControl}
* to obtain the {@link ColumnControl} to be opened. After obtained, {@link ColumnControl#open} will be called on it, and
* {@link ColumnControl#close} on all others in the cache.
* @param {number} columnIndex Index of the column upon which a {@link ColumnControl} is to be opened.
* @throws {RangeError} If `columnIndex` is greater than or equal to the number of columns in the backing table.
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.openColumnControl = function (columnIndex) {
'use strict';
var tableHeader, targetColumnControl, columnControls, columnControl, i;
targetColumnControl = this.getColumnControl(columnIndex);
columnControls = this.columnControls;
for (i = 0; i < columnControls.length; ++i) {
columnControl = columnControls[i];
if (columnControl === targetColumnControl) {
} else {
* Obtains a {@link ColumnControl} for the given `columnIndex`. If one is cached (has been obtained before), it will be returned. Otherwise it will be created using the
* {@link ColumnControlFactory} passed to the constructor of this `HTMLTableWrapperListener`. If defined, and its {@link ColumnControlFactory#getColumnControl} (or its
* direct invocation if a {@link HTMLTableWrapperListener~getColumnControl}) function returns a value that is not {@link Nothing}, that value will be cached and returned.
* Failing that, a new {@link HTMLTableWrapperControl} will be cached and returned.
* @param {number} columnIndex Index of the column for which a {@link ColumnControl} is to be obtained.
* @throws {RangeError} If `columnIndex` is greater than or equal to the number of columns in the backing table.
* @returns {ColumnControl} The newly created, or previously cached {@link ColumnControl} for the given `columnIndex`.
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.getColumnControl = function (columnIndex) {
'use strict';
var columnControls, columnControl, currentColumnControl, i, columnControlFactory, columnCount;
if (columnIndex > (columnCount = this.tableHeaderCache.length)) {
throw new RangeError('The given columnIndex must be less than the number of columns in the backing table (' + columnCount + '): ' + columnIndex);
columnControls = this.columnControls;
for (i = 0; i < columnControls.length; ++i) {
currentColumnControl = columnControls[i];
if (currentColumnControl.columnIndex === columnIndex) {
return currentColumnControl;
columnControlFactory = this.columnControlFactory;
if (columnControlFactory) {
columnControl = typeof columnControlFactory.getColumnControl === 'function' ?
columnControlFactory.getColumnControl(columnIndex, this) : columnControlFactory(columnIndex, this);
if (!columnControl) {
columnControl = new HTMLTableWrapperControl(columnIndex, this, this.cellInterpreter);
if (typeof columnControl.init === 'function') {
return columnControl;
* {@link HTMLTableWrapper#filter Filters} and {@link HTMLTableWrapper#sort sorts} the backing table based upon
* the state of cached {@link ColumnControl}s.
* The {@link ColumnControl#getFilterDescriptor} and {@link ColumnControl#getSortDescriptor} functions are called for each
* cached {@link ColumnControl} in the order they are created. Each result that is not {@link Nothing} is stored in a distinct
* `Array` (one for {@link FilterDescriptor}s, another for {@link SortDescriptor}s), and subsequently passed to the backing
* {@link HTMLTableWrapper}'s {@link HTMLTableWrapper#filter} and {@link HTMLTableWrapper#sort} functions. Filtering is performed before sorting.
* {@link SortDescriptor}s are ordered according to the order in which they are/were returned from this and previous calls. E.g., consider
* the following sequence of calls to `processTable`:
* 1. A valid {@link SortDescriptor} is returned for column 1 => table will be ordered by column 1
* 2. A valid {@link SortDescriptor} is returned for columns 1 and 2 => table will be ordered by columns 1, 2
* 3. A valid {@link SortDescriptor} is returned for columns 1, 2, and 3 => table will be ordered by columns 1, 2, 3
* 4. A valid {@link SortDescriptor} is only returned for columns 2 and 3 => table will be ordered by columns 2, 3
* 5. A valid {@link SortDescriptor} is returned for columns 1, 2, and 3 again => table will be ordered by columns 2, 3, 1
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.processTable = function () {
'use strict';
var sortDescriptors, filterDescriptors, columnControls, i, columnControl, dataTable, filterDescriptor,
sortDescriptor, sortDescriptorOrder, columnIndex, j, targetIndex;
// Get descriptors.
filterDescriptors = [];
sortDescriptors = [];
columnControls = this.columnControls;
for (i = 0; i < columnControls.length; ++i) {
columnControl = columnControls[i];
filterDescriptor = columnControl.getFilterDescriptor();
if (filterDescriptor) {
sortDescriptor = columnControl.getSortDescriptor();
if (sortDescriptor) {
// Determine order for sort descriptors.
sortDescriptorOrder = this.sortDescriptorOrder;
if (!sortDescriptorOrder) {
sortDescriptorOrder = this.sortDescriptorOrder = [];
// Add column indicies to order that were returned, but not present.
for (i = 0; i < sortDescriptors.length; ++i) {
columnIndex = sortDescriptors[i].columnIndex;
if (sortDescriptorOrder.indexOf(columnIndex) === -1) {
// Remove column indicies from order that are present, but not returned
for (i = 0; i < sortDescriptorOrder.length; ++i) {
columnIndex = sortDescriptorOrder[i];
targetIndex = -1;
for (j = 0; j < sortDescriptors.length; ++j) {
if (sortDescriptors[j].columnIndex === columnIndex) {
targetIndex = j;
if (targetIndex === -1) {
sortDescriptorOrder.splice(i, 1);
// Sort sort descriptors according to order.
sortDescriptors.sort(function (a, b) {
return sortDescriptorOrder.indexOf(a.columnIndex) - sortDescriptorOrder.indexOf(b.columnIndex);
// Process backing table.
dataTable = this.dataTable;
* Returns this `HTMLTableWrapperListener`'s backing {@link HTMLTableWrapper}.
* @returns {HTMLTableWrapper} This `HTMLTableWrapperListener`'s backing {@link HTMLTableWrapper}.
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.getDataTable = function () {
'use strict';
return this.dataTable;
* Returns the `HTMLTableCellElement` acting as the column header for the given `columnIndex`.
* @param {number} columnIndex Index of the column header to be retrieved.
* @returns {HTMLTableCellElement} The `HTMLTableCellElement` acting as the column header for the given `columnIndex`.
* @throws {RangeError} If `columnIndex` is greater than or equal to the number of columns in the backing table.
HTMLTableWrapperListener.prototype.getTableHeaderElement = function (columnIndex) {
'use strict';
return this.dataTable.getTableElement().tHead.rows[0].cells[columnIndex];