* Copyright 2020 Martin F. Schlegel Jr. | MIT AND BSD-3-Clause
* Not actually a constructor as there are no instance methods; underlying definition is an empty object.
* Documented as a class for the purposes of this documentation generator only.
* @class
* @augments IE9Compatibility
* @classdesc
* Utility functions for MS Internet Explorer 8 compatibility.
var IE8Compatibility = {};
(function (src, target) {
'use strict';
var name;
for (name in src) {
target[name] = src[name];
})(IE9Compatibility, IE8Compatibility);
* Cache of {@link IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler}s containing `EventListener`s registered via `attachEvent`.
* @private
* @type {IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler[]}
IE8Compatibility.allRegisteredHandlers = null;
* Adds compatibility for the DOM `EventTarget.addEventListener` function.
* If `addEventListener` is defined on `target`, simply calls `target.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture)`, otherwise falls
* back to the IE-specific `attachEvent` function. This implies `useCapture`, if defined, can either be a `boolean` or an options object, but will
* be ignored if falling back to `attachEvent`.
* In either case, if listener is an `EventListener`, `handleEvent` will be called upon receiving an event (either natively if `addEventListener`
* is defined on target, or via anonymous closure if falling back to `attachEvent`).
* @param {EventTarget} target Target to which the given `listener` is to be added.
* @param {string} type Type name of the event for which the given `listener` is to be added.
* @param {(function|EventListener)} listener Listener to add to the given `target`.
* @param {(boolean|object)} [useCapture=false] Use capture/options argument for `addEventListener`; ignored if necessary to fall back to `attachEvent`.
IE8Compatibility.addEventListener = function (target, type, listener, useCapture) {
'use strict';
var handlerFunction, allRegisteredHandlers, nominalType;
if (target.addEventListener) {
target.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
if (useCapture && console && console.warn) {
console.warn('Falling back to attachEvent; useCapture/options will be ignored.');
if (listener && typeof listener.handleEvent === 'function') {
allRegisteredHandlers = IE8Compatibility.allRegisteredHandlers;
if (!allRegisteredHandlers) {
allRegisteredHandlers = IE8Compatibility.allRegisteredHandlers = [];
nominalType = type.toLowerCase();
if (IE8Compatibility.getHandlerIndex(target, nominalType, listener) !== -1) {
handlerFunction = function (event) {
allRegisteredHandlers.push(new IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler(target, nominalType, listener, handlerFunction));
} else {
handlerFunction = listener;
target.attachEvent('on' + type, handlerFunction);
* Adds compatibility for the DOM `EventTarget.removeEventListener` function. Follows the same fallback pattern as {@link IE8Compatibility.addEventListener},
* except with `removeEventListener` and `detachEvent`.
* @param {EventTarget} target Target from which the given `listener` is to be removed.
* @param {string} type Type name of the event for which the given `listener` is to be removed.
* @param {(function|EventListener)} listener Listener to be removed.
* @param {(boolean|object)} [useCapture=false] Use capture/options argument for `removeEventListener`; ignored if necessary to fall back to `detachEvent`.
IE8Compatibility.removeEventListener = function (target, type, listener, useCapture) {
'use strict';
var handlerFunction, allRegisteredHandlers, listenerIndex, nominalType, handler;
if (target.removeEventListener) {
target.removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
if (useCapture && console && console.warn) {
console.warn('Falling back to detachEvent; useCapture/options will be ignored.');
if (listener && typeof listener.handleEvent === 'function') {
nominalType = type.toLowerCase();
allRegisteredHandlers = IE8Compatibility.allRegisteredHandlers;
if (!allRegisteredHandlers || (listenerIndex = IE8Compatibility.getHandlerIndex(target, nominalType, listener)) === -1) {
handler = allRegisteredHandlers[listenerIndex];
handlerFunction = handler.handlerFunction;
allRegisteredHandlers.splice(listenerIndex, 1);
} else {
handlerFunction = listener;
target.detachEvent('on' + type, handlerFunction);
* Adds compatibility for the DOM `Event.target` property. If `target` is not a defined property of the given `event`, returns `event.srcElement`.
* @param {Event} event Event whose target is to be determined.
* @returns The `event.target` property of `event` if `target` is a defined property on `event`, otherwise `event.srcElement`.
IE8Compatibility.getEventTarget = function (event) {
'use strict';
if ('target' in event) {
return event.target;
return event.srcElement;
* Adds compatibility for `Object.create` for the specific use-case of prototype-based inheritance.
* @param {object} proto Prototype property of the desired parent (superclass) constructor.
IE8Compatibility.extend = function (proto) {
'use strict';
var anon;
if (Object.create) {
return Object.create(proto);
anon = function () {};
anon.prototype = proto;
return new anon();
* Adds compatibility for the `Node.textContent` property. Returns `node.textContent` if the `textContent` property is `in node`, otherwise the return value
* is as follows:
* The depth-first concatenation of the `nodeValue` of all the child nodes of `node` that are of type `TEXT_NODE` (3) if `node` is of type:
* - `ELEMENT_NODE` (1)
* The `nodeValue` of `node` if `node` is of type:
* - `TEXT_NODE` (3)
* - `COMMENT_NODE` (8)
* Or the `value` of `node` if `node` is of type `ATTRIBUTE_NODE` (2), and `null` if `node` is of any other type. This is designed to be consistent with the
* definition of `textContent` in the DOM Living Standard.
* @param {Node} node Node whose text content is to be obtained.
* @returns {string} The `textContent` of `node`, or a value consistent with its definition in the DOM living standard.
* @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-node-textcontent
IE8Compatibility.getTextContent = function (node) {
'use strict';
var children;
if ('textContent' in node) {
return node.textContent;
switch (node.nodeType) {
case 1: // ELEMENT_NODE
children = node.childNodes;
return children.length ? IE8Compatibility._getTextContent(children) : '';
case 3: // TEXT_NODE
case 8: // COMMENT_NODE
return node.nodeValue;
case 2: // ATTRIBUTE_NODE (Deprecated)
return node.value;
// Default includes:
// 6/ENTITY_NODE (Deprecated)
// 12/NOTATION_NODE (Deprecated)
return null;
* The corresponding setter function for {@link IE8Compatibility.getTextContent}.
* @param {Node} node Node whose text content is to be set.
* @param {string} text Text content to set on `node`.
* @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-node-textcontent
IE8Compatibility.setTextContent = function (node, text) {
'use strict';
var children;
if ('textContent' in node) {
node.textContent = text;
switch (node.nodeType) {
case 1: // ELEMENT_NODE
children = node.childNodes;
while (children.length) {
case 3: // TEXT_NODE
case 8: // COMMENT_NODE
node.nodeValue = text;
case 2: // ATTRIBUTE_NODE (Deprecated)
node.value = text;
// Default includes:
// 6/ENTITY_NODE (Deprecated)
// 12/NOTATION_NODE (Deprecated)
* Recursive helper for {@link IE8Compatibility.getTextContent}. Returns the concatenation of all descendant child nodes that are
* of type `TEXT_NODE` (3). A depth-first traversal is performed, as is specified in the DOM living standard for `Node.textContent`.
* @private
* @param {NodeList} nodeList Children of the current node being processed.
* @returns {string} The depth-first concatenation of the values of all descendant child nodes that are of type `TEXT_NODE` (3).
IE8Compatibility._getTextContent = function (nodeList) {
'use strict';
var i, node, children, text;
text = '';
for (i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) {
node = nodeList[i];
// Depth-first traversal.
children = node.childNodes;
if (children.length) {
text += IE8Compatibility._getTextContent(children);
// if node is of type TEXT_NODE...
if (node.nodeType == 3) {
text += node.nodeValue;
return text;
* Finds the index of the corresponding {@link IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler} for the given `target`, `type` and `listener` in
* {@link IE8Compatibility.allRegisteredHandlers}. Returns -1 if not found.
* @private
* @param {EventTarget} target Target whose corresponding {@link IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler} is to be obtained.
* @param {string} type Event type whose corresponding {@link IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler} is to be obtained.
* @param {EventListener} listener `EventListener` registered on the given `target` for the given event `type`.
* @returns {number}
* Index of the corresponding {@link IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler} for the given `target`, `type` and `listener`, or -1
* if no matching {@link IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler} could be found.
IE8Compatibility.getHandlerIndex = function (target, type, listener) {
'use strict';
var handlers, handler, i;
handlers = IE8Compatibility.allRegisteredHandlers;
for (i = 0; i < handlers.length; ++i) {
handler = handlers[i];
if (handler.target === target && handler.type === type && handler.listener === listener) {
return i;
return -1;
* @constructor
* @param {EventTarget} target `EventTarget` to which the given `listener` is registered.
* @param {string} type Event type for which the given `listener` is registered.
* @param {EventListener} listener `EventListener` registered on `target` for the given event `type`.
* @param {function} handlerFunction Closure-based handler function that is actually attached to `target`.
* @private
* @extends Disposable
* @classdesc
* Container object representing a registered `EventListener`. Holds the information necessary to identify a particular
* event listener given a target (`target`, `type`, and `listener`), as well as the closure-based `handlerFunction`, such that
* the actual registered listener can be detached when it is no longer needed.
IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler = function (target, type, listener, handlerFunction) {
'use strict';
* `EventTarget` to which {@link IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler#listener} is registered.
* @type {EventTarget}
this.target = target;
* Event type for which {@link IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler#listener} is registered.
* @type {string}
this.type = type;
* `EventListener` registered on {@link IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler#target} for events of type
* {@link IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler#type}.
* @type {EventListener}
this.listener = listener;
* @type {function}
this.handlerFunction = handlerFunction;
IE8Compatibility.IE8EventHandler.prototype.dispose = function () {
'use strict';
this.target = this.listener = this.handlerFunction = null;