Source: SimpleFilterDescriptor.js

 * Copyright 2020 Martin F. Schlegel Jr. | MIT AND BSD-3-Clause
// Constructor
 * @constructor
 * @implements FilterDescriptor
 * @param {number} columnIndex Column index this `SimpleFilterDescriptor` describes.
 * @param {*} compareValue Value to which cells are to be compared.
 * @param {(string)} [operation='='] 
 *   String indicating the operation this filter is to perform. Must be one of the following: '`='`, '`!=`' '`<`', '`>`' '`<=`', 
 *   '`>=`', '`~`', or '`~~`'.
 * @param {number} [columnType={@link HTMLTableWrapperUtils.COLUMN_TYPE_INFER}] How the values of cells in this column are to be determined.
 * @classdesc
 * Generic implementation of {@link FilterDescriptor}. Filters cells for the given `columnIndex` by comparing their values to the given 
 * `compareValue` using the given `operation`. The values for individual cells are determined based upon `columnType`.
 * `Operation` is a string, and must be one of the following:
 * - `'='` (Equals)
 * - `'>'` (Greater Than)
 * - `'<'` (Less Than)
 * - `'>='` (Greater Than Or Equal To)
 * - `'<='` (Less Than Or Equal To)
 * - `'!='` (Not Equals)
 * - `'~'` (Contains, Ignore Case)
 * - `'~~'` (Contains, Case Sensitive)
function SimpleFilterDescriptor(columnIndex, compareValue, operation, columnType) {
    'use strict';
    this.columnIndex = columnIndex;
     * Value against which individual cell values are to be compared.
     * @type {*}
    this.compareValue = compareValue;
    if (operation && operation !== '=') {
        this.operation = operation;
    if (columnType && columnType !== HTMLTableWrapperUtils.COLUMN_TYPE_INFER) {
        this.columnType = columnType;

// Default Instance Properties
 * Operation this `SimpleFilterDescriptor` is to perform when determining whether to filter a cell. Valid values are described
 * in this class' description.
 * @type {string}
SimpleFilterDescriptor.prototype.operation = '=';

 * How individual cell values are to be converted. If {@link HTMLTableWrapperUtils.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT}, cell values will
 * be treated only as text; if {@link HTMLTableWrapperUtils.COLUMN_TYPE_INFER} (default), an attempt will be made to 
 * convert cell values to numbers prior to evaluating filter conditions.
 * @type {number}
SimpleFilterDescriptor.prototype.columnType = HTMLTableWrapperUtils.COLUMN_TYPE_INFER;

// Instance Methods
SimpleFilterDescriptor.prototype.include = function (cell) {
    'use strict';
    var operation, columnValue;
    switch (this.operation) {
        case '=':
            operation = HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_OP_EQUALS;
        case '>':
            operation = HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_OP_GREATER_THAN;
        case '<':
            operation = HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_OP_LESS_THAN;
        case '>=':
            operation = HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_OP_GREATER_THAN | HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_OP_EQUALS;
        case '<=':
            operation = HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_OP_LESS_THAN | HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_OP_EQUALS;
        case '!=':
            operation = HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_FLAG_NOT | HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_OP_EQUALS;
        case '~':
            operation = HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_OP_CONTAINS | HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE;
        case '~~':
            operation = HTMLTableWrapperUtils.FILTER_OP_CONTAINS;
    columnValue = IE8Compatibility.getTextContent(cell).trim();
    return HTMLTableWrapperUtils.shouldInclude(columnValue, operation, this.compareValue, this.columnType);